I am a huge fan of phrase/exact match keywords and for the past few years this is how I have managed all my campaigns! A long tail keyword is typically 3-4 words and tend to have low search volume which means the competition is also low. I typically use 2-3 words for each keyword, but when utilizing long tail keywords (3-4 words) I almost always see good results. My typical standard start to a new account is to begin with mainly phrase, and then I sprinkle in a few broad match and exact. I control the budget for the broad match keywords bc broad match brings in the masses (so mark those negatives). For example, "ladies red shoes" keyword can bring in a search of "red paint for mens shoes" As long as one of the words is in the search your ad shows. Performance Max fits in this category as well, but not to worry because when you control the budget and mark negatives, these can perform very well. Phrase match works like this: For example, "ladies red shoes"- any search from a user must contain all 3 words in any order. Typically the searches are very close to "ladies red shoes", you may see something like "red shoes for ladies". Exact match functions just like it sounds. The user must type in the search exactly how your keyword appears in your ad. Using the [ladies red shoes] example, the search term must read [ladies red shoes]. nRecently, I have noticed google is utilizing phrase match in a similar manner as broad match. Surprised? Then I noticed exact and phrase match working really well with a longer tailed keyword. At first, I was bothered at Google for passively making these small incremental changes without notice. I decided to utilize these newer changes to my advantage. The main reason I like long tail keywords is because 1, I have seen them work and 2, the competition is low especially for a niche industry so clicks can be cheap! Exact match keywords can give you the exact traffic you want and my good rule of thumb is use a few to start and add more exact match long tail keywords as I optimize the account. I don't assume I know all of the exact match keywords at the start of each campaign. I usually start with a few exact match then over time I add more exact match long tail keywords based on data and search terms. I focus on quality not quantity. Especially if I am working on a smaller budget. If I have a larger budget I love utilizing Performance Max (especially with a brick and mortar client) and Remarketing. You might think Performance Max may compete with your search campaigns, but Performance Max keywords will never compete with Exact match search keywords. I also, like controlled brand campaigns as well. However, these topics can be separate blog post for another time. Hope this helps!
