
Google Ads ramp up is very real. I usually tell my clients it is like a plane taking off, so hold tight until you have hit 36,000 feet then enjoy the flight! Naturally, the question is, how long before we hit 36,000 feet? This is THE question to ask! I love this question because I have so much fun explaining the fact that I begin all my ads on a bid strategy that typically is aggressive (if budget allows) so that data can come quickly. The only way you can manage your your ads aggressively is to maintain complete control (in the beginning). How do you maintain control you ask? Well… you manage your bid strategy. Bid strategy + quality score helps determine your google ads rank. Let's not forget competition and location as well!
What is quality score? Google's definition is as follows: Quality Score is a diagnostic tool meant to give you a sense of how well your ad quality compares to other advertisers. This score is measured on a scale from 1-10 and available at the keyword level. Googles benchmark quality score is 5. How do you get a high quality score? The answer may not be one you would like but is the reality of google. It actually does take time to increase your quality score. Over time, continue to fine-tune your ad copy and landing pages. In the meantime, aggressive bid strategy can help you be seen close to the top BUT if you are bidding the same as your competition what will set you apart? Quality Score does that!
You can't really find this information anywhere from Google but my experience tells me that an account running longer has more chances of a higher quality score. The simple reason is because google is able to have a good history with keywords, CTR (click through rate) and successful conversions over time. Your CTR is determined on how often your ad is clicked based off of how often it is seen. A high CTR tells google that when users "see" your ad and "click" your ad that it is highly relevant for them. Google logs that information. When a "conversion" takes place off your website or landing page, google understands that your site and or landing page is relevant. The higher the relevancy the higher your google quality score. The bottom line is google needs time to determine this relevancy, but once it does you are soaring.
However, not to worry if you are new to Google Ads. The management of your airplane as it takes off and ramps up may take a little longer, but on manual bidding data can come in very quickly (within a few days), then at that point we can make adjustments as needed. Managing expectations and communication is critical, so a new client in google ads can feel strides are being made in the right direction and budget is being managed properly for optimized success as google learns and grows the quality score. I highly recommend not giving google this control. The simple fact is a bias can be shown unintentionally and google may not necessarily know your company goals. A non-bias management expert (like myself) can understand your goals, budget and help manage expectations accordingly.
As a new account, It is only a matter of time before you are seeing the best results possible within google. I usually will say lets keep in touch weekly and lets ensure all search terms are spot on as we take off (marking negatives as needed) and lets see our ranking go up, up and up!