I used to hate remarketing ads. I personally did not like the fact that when I google an item (say trendy sneakers) then moments later I would be bombarded with ads about sneakers!!

Although those type of ads exist, I did not know that you can be very specific with who you want to see your remarketing ads……down to an email address. Engaging the proper settings in remarketing ads can allow you to target someone who has visited your actual site (not just someone who googled what you offer) AND you can manage where that person sees your ad? Do you want them to see it when they are browsing the app store? (probably not, so we turn that ad placement off). Do you want to offer a discount to those who visited your site but did not convert? Why not!
On the flip side you can choose who you DON'T want to see your ad. Say for example, someone who has visited your site BUT already purchased or signed the dotted line (why waste ad spend on them!!)
Now with the proper management skills, I offer remarketing ads every time! The reason this is beneficial is because the CPC's (cost per clicks) are so low. These clicks are usually $2 or less! You can gain more clicks with a smaller budget and hope to woo someone who has already visited your site but did not sign up yet. Why not! Get them thinking about you more!